EECS 183 Troubleshooting Guide
Starter code won’t run/IDE problem at beginning of project
For Visual Studio, check that you created/opened the project. You cannot just double-click the .cpp file(s) to run the starter code.
Copy and paste your work so far into Notepad - do not use Word or another word processor!
Start a new project in VS/XCode and re-add files
Paste your work back into files
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Compile error
Re-read (1) the line of code with the error, (2) the line before
Make sure that every ( [ { has a closing brace } ] )
Search Google for the error message (StackOverflow is a helpful website)
Post text of error (without code) to Piazza. Include specific error information. For example, the Xcode error “duplicate symbol: main” is much more helpful to include than “linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)”
Wrong output
Write down what was expected vs. what actually happened. “How do you know there is a problem?”
Read spec and RME describing function out loud to stuffed animal
Explain how your code works to stuffed animal
Trace through your code with the problem input. The debugger can help
When you find the problem, explain what it was to your stuffed animal
Add the case you just discovered as a test case in test.cpp
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Wrong output for autograder test case but not for test cases in spec
Compare Expected Output to Student Output in Output Diffs section
Deduce what autograder input was and try on own computer - make a test case with this input for your test.cpp
Once you can reproduce bug on own computer, go to “Wrong Output”
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Other autograder issue
Hover over question mark icon with mouse
Post screenshot or photo on Piazza