
Project 2: Rock, Paper, Scissors S’More

S’More Functionality

NOTE: The S’more is entirely optional and will not be part of your grade in EECS 183. It is for extra practice and fun after completing the regular project.

WARNING: The S’more is not part of your grade. You MUST complete and submit the regular project.

Want more? Try implementing S’more! Allow the user to play a game of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock. The game is played in the same fashion as traditional rock-paper-scissors but introduces two new move options. See the image below for a visual representation of the rules of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock.


See how to play at instructables on the game!

WARNING: You must first complete the Regular version of the project and submit it to the Autograder.

Hint: It may be useful to add the game_type variable as a parameter to some of the functions listed above.

Sample Output

Here are a few examples of the way your program output should look, where text in red represents some user’s input.

NOTE: The following sample runs do not include the menu selection detailed in the Running the Program section of the main spec.

S’more Sample Run 1

                EECS 183

    Player 1, enter your name: Rana Makki

    Player 2, enter your name: David Cao

    Menu Options
    1) Play rock, paper, scissors
    2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock
    3) Quit

    Choice --> 2

    Rana Makki, enter your move: k

    David Cao, enter your move: l

    David Cao wins the round!

    Rana Makki, enter your move: s

    David Cao, enter your move: p

    Rana Makki wins the round!

    Rana Makki, enter your move: k

    David Cao, enter your move: r

    Rana Makki wins the round!

    Congratulations Rana Makki!
    You won EECS 183 Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock!

    Menu Options
    1) Play rock, paper, scissors
    2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock
    3) Quit

    Choice --> 1

    Rana Makki, enter your move: k

    ERROR: Illegal move given, using default

    David Cao, enter your move: p

    David Cao wins the round!

    Rana Makki, enter your move: l

    ERROR: Illegal move given, using default

    David Cao, enter your move: s

    Rana Makki wins the round!

    Rana Makki, enter your move: p

    David Cao, enter your move: s

    David Cao wins the round!

    Congratulations David Cao!
    You won EECS 183 Rock-Paper-Scissors!

    Menu Options
    1) Play rock, paper, scissors
    2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock
    3) Quit

    Choice --> 3

            Thanks for playing

S’more Sample Run 2

                EECS 183

    Player 1, enter your name: Rana Makki

    Player 2, enter your name: David Cao

    Menu Options
    1) Play rock, paper, scissors
    2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock
    3) Quit

    Choice --> 2

    Rana Makki, enter your move: o

    ERROR: Illegal move given, using default

    David Cao, enter your move: K

    David Cao wins the round!

    Rana Makki, enter your move: s

    David Cao, enter your move: L

    Rana Makki wins the round!

    Rana Makki, enter your move: p

    David Cao, enter your move: P

    This round is a draw!

    No winner!

    Menu Options
    1) Play rock, paper, scissors
    2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock
    3) Quit

    Choice --> 3

            Thanks for playing

How to Submit

WARNING: Do not forget to submit your regular version of the project, even if you submit a S’more version. Your project grade comes from your submission for the regular version only.