NOTE: The S’more is entirely optional and will not be part of your grade in EECS 183. It is for extra practice and fun after completing the regular project.
WARNING: The S’more is not part of your grade. You MUST complete and submit the regular project.
Want more? Try implementing S’more! Allow the user to play a game of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock. The game is played in the same fashion as traditional rock-paper-scissors but introduces two new move options. See the image below for a visual representation of the rules of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock.
See how to play at instructables on the game!
WARNING: You must first complete the Regular version of the project and submit it to the Autograder.
To implement a working version of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock, consider editing the following functions:
Hint: It may be useful to add the game_type variable as a parameter to some of the functions listed above.
Here are a few examples of the way your program output should look, where text in red represents some user’s input.
NOTE: The following sample runs do not include the menu selection detailed in the Running the Program section of the main spec.
S’more Sample Run 1
---------------------------------------- EECS 183 Rock-Paper-Scissors ---------------------------------------- Player 1, enter your name: Rana Makki Player 2, enter your name: David Cao Menu Options ------------ 1) Play rock, paper, scissors 2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock 3) Quit Choice --> 2 Rana Makki, enter your move: k David Cao, enter your move: l David Cao wins the round! Rana Makki, enter your move: s David Cao, enter your move: p Rana Makki wins the round! Rana Makki, enter your move: k David Cao, enter your move: r Rana Makki wins the round! Congratulations Rana Makki! You won EECS 183 Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock! Menu Options ------------ 1) Play rock, paper, scissors 2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock 3) Quit Choice --> 1 Rana Makki, enter your move: k ERROR: Illegal move given, using default David Cao, enter your move: p David Cao wins the round! Rana Makki, enter your move: l ERROR: Illegal move given, using default David Cao, enter your move: s Rana Makki wins the round! Rana Makki, enter your move: p David Cao, enter your move: s David Cao wins the round! Congratulations David Cao! You won EECS 183 Rock-Paper-Scissors! Menu Options ------------ 1) Play rock, paper, scissors 2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock 3) Quit Choice --> 3 ---------------------------------------- Thanks for playing Rock-Paper-Scissors! ----------------------------------------
S’more Sample Run 2
---------------------------------------- EECS 183 Rock-Paper-Scissors ---------------------------------------- Player 1, enter your name: Rana Makki Player 2, enter your name: David Cao Menu Options ------------ 1) Play rock, paper, scissors 2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock 3) Quit Choice --> 2 Rana Makki, enter your move: o ERROR: Illegal move given, using default David Cao, enter your move: K David Cao wins the round! Rana Makki, enter your move: s David Cao, enter your move: L Rana Makki wins the round! Rana Makki, enter your move: p David Cao, enter your move: P This round is a draw! No winner! Menu Options ------------ 1) Play rock, paper, scissors 2) Play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock 3) Quit Choice --> 3 ---------------------------------------- Thanks for playing Rock-Paper-Scissors! ----------------------------------------
, visit the new page, click Choose file and navigate to your file. The file you submit to the autograder MUST be called rps.cpp
If confident that you’ve selected the correct file, click Submit to submit your code to the Autograder.
WARNING: Do not forget to submit your regular version of the project, even if you submit a S’more version. Your project grade comes from your submission for the regular version only.