Office Hours

Places to get help

The fastest places to get help in EECS 183 are:
  • Project questions not involving code, exam and conceptual questions: Piazza
  • Project questions involving your code: Staff office hours, professor office hours
  • Lab assignments, class concepts: Piazza, staff office hours, professor office hours
  • Course logistics requests (extensions, emergencies): Admin Form
  • Anything else: staff office hours, professor office hours

Staff Office Hours

Office hours changes for Final Project

  1. Both projects will use the queue system for office hours.
  2. Elevators project will use the same Virtual and In-Person queues that we have been using so far, and maintain the same office hours schedule.
  3. Arduino has a dedicated queue used for project office hours.
    1. Arduino office hours times and locations are different!
    2. Check the Arduino project specification for office hours times and locations.

Elevators project - Individual (in-person and virtual) meetings for specific questions and help

  • Mondays 3:15-4:45 PM and 6:15-7:45 PM in-person in the Duderstadt Center basement on North Campus
  • Tuesdays 3-8PM virtual
  • Wednesdays 3-8 PM in-person in the Duderstadt Center basement on North Campus
  • Thursdays 3-8 PM in-person in the Duderstadt Center basement on North Campus
  • Fridays 3-6 PM virtual

Arduino - check the Arduino project specification for office hours times and locations.

Go to the queue

Sign-up Instructions

Follow Brady to office hours in the Duderstadt

Group office hours for conceptual questions

Group Office Hours Times and locations here

  • Group Office Hours will be in-person or virtual meetings for an hour to an hour and a half each day Monday - Friday every week.
  • Group Office Hours are a great way to clear up commonly confused topics in EECS 183 and will be an opportunity for students to get practice for exams and projects. These sessions are also a great opportunity to learn from other students' questions.
  • These Group Office Hours meetings are drop-in style, so feel free to join/leave as you please. Below are the times and Zoom links for Group Office Hours this semester.
  • Group Office Hours Rules:

    - Students are not allowed to share their project code
    - Students are not allowed to ask specific implementation questions regarding projects and labs. However, general clarification & assignment requirement questions are encouraged.

Professor Office Hours

Prof. Arthur: Tuesdays/Thursdays (on days we have lectures) 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in 1837 East Hall.

Prof. Torralva: 1-3 PM on Wednesdays, 224 Weiser - opposite side from the classrooms, inside the CGIS offices area.