Office Hours

Places to get help

The fastest places to get help in EECS 183 are:
  • Project questions not showing your code, exam and conceptual questions: Piazza and (coming soon!) Group office hours
  • Project questions involving looking at your code with you: Staff office hours, professor office hours
  • Lab assignments, class concepts: Lab, Piazza, staff office hours, professor office hours
  • Course logistics requests (extensions, emergencies): Admin Form
  • Anything else: staff office hours, professor office hours

Group office hours for conceptual questions

(coming soon!) Find Group Office Hours Times and locations here

Individual (in-person and virtual) meetings for specific questions and help

  • Mondays 3:15 - 4:45 PM and 6:15 - 7:45 PM in-person in the Duderstadt Center basement on North Campus
  • Tuesdays 3 - 7:30 PM virtual
  • Wednesdays 3 - 7 PM in-person in the Duderstadt Center basement on North Campus
  • Thursdays 3 - 6:30 PM in-person in the Duderstadt Center basement on North Campus
  • Fridays 3 - 5 PM virtual

Go to the queue

Sign-up Instructions

Follow Brady to office hours in the Duderstadt

Professor Office Hours

Prof. Arthur: Tuesdays/Thursdays (on days we have lectures) 12:30 to 2:00 pm in 1837 East Hall.

Prof. Torralva: Wednesdays 2-4 pm in 222 Weiser -- opposite side from the classrooms, inside the CGIS offices area.