


Elevator is a class declared in Elevator.h and is responsible for representing where an elevator is inside the building along with where it is going. It will service requests that come from the Building class.

Member Data

Member Functions

Many member functions have been written for you. Please refer to their RME’s for use reference.

You will be writing the implementation for the following functions:


* Requires: currentTime is valid
* Modifies: currentFloor, servicing
* Effects:  If the currentTime is divisible by TICKS_PER_ELEVATOR_MOVE and
*           the elevator is servicing a request:
*               Moves the value of current floor by 1 in the direction
*               of the target floor 
*               Also, If the new current floor is the target floor:
*                   servicing is set to false
*           Otherwise, does nothing
void tick(int currentTime);

tick is the function that advances the game one turn. In the context of Elevator, this involves moving it in the correct direction if it is servicing a request. Specifically, we do the following.

  1. If the currentTime is divisible by TICKS_PER_ELEVATOR_MOVE and it is currently servicing a request, we move currentFloor one floor closer to its targetFloor. If the elevator is already at its targetFloor, the elevator does not move.
  2. If, after moving the elevator, it has reached its targetFloor, we set servicing to false. It can now service another request.


* Requires: 0 <= floorNum <= NUM_FLOORS
* Modifies: targetFloor, servicing
* Effects: Sets the targetFloor and marks the Elevator as currently servicing
void serviceRequest(int floorNum);

This is the function that the Building class will use to control its Elevators. It will give the Elevator a floorNum which constitutes a request to send the Elevator to that Floor. This will update the Elevator’s targetFloor, and mark it as servicing.

Function Table

The table below provides an outline of which other functions each function should call, if any. The functions listed here do not include any library functions you may wish to use. Please look at the starter code section of the spec to see which libraries you are allowed to use.

Function Other functions it should call
tick() This function does not call any other functions
serviceRequest() This function does not call any other functions